Is Your Best Retirement Option Part-time Work?
More and more, Boomers who leave full-time employment want to continue to be productive in some way. It isn't just a desire to keep busy and engaged -- it is also driven by a need to supplement the income from retirement plans and Social Security.
A very attractive option for Boomers could be part-time work. Working part-time offers more flexibility, social interaction, and income that may provide a modest cushion. While it seems that most part-time work for Boomers is in the low-paying retail and hospitality industries, there are some areas in which part-time pay is significantly higher.
Alison Doyle, a job search expert for, offers a helpful list of the "top 10 best paid part-time jobs." Some of the jobs, such as accountant and computer programmer, may require additional specialized education. Others, such as management analyst, may allow professionals to apply their expertise from previous positions. Other jobs, such as delivery truck driver and materials mover, could involve minimal training.
Find the list here: