A Perspective on Ageism from an Industry Insider
Retirement Stages and Paths

Boomers on the Balance Beam

New-york-g88c730c27_1920One of the inherent advantages of being a Boomer is that we know about cycles. The current economic environment is a good example. Boomers have lived through inflation, global conflicts and workplace turmoil. We have cycled through these times before and, hopefully, we came out stronger for it.

Still, sometimes it feels as if we are living on a balance beam, doesn't it? We balance our budget allocations to accommodate rising prices. We balance our aging parents with our grown children and grandchildren. We balance our work lives with travel, volunteering and leisure. We balance our investments and savings with our expenses. If we're over 70, we balance our Social Security income with our RMDs from retirement accounts.

Balance is one of those things that may seem precarious, but the more you become accustomed to what it takes to achieve balance, the more able you are to achieve it. Interestingly, if you have been working full-time or even part-time, the COVID-19 pandemic may have contributed to a better understanding of balance. If you had to work remotely, that likely made you reorient your work/personal life relationship and find a new definition of balance. 

If you are moving into your next phase of life, you may view work through an entirely different lens. There may be more of a blurring between work and home life. Here are four potential ways to create a better work/life balance as you age, according to Pacific Life:

  • "Embrace new technology and become more tech savvy."
    Using Zoom and other interactive technologies will not only help you in the workplace, it will also ensure you can stay connected with family and friends, regardless of their location.
  • "Reconnect with old pastimes and create new passions."
    It's no accident that happy retirees are those who rediscover pastimes from their childhood or pursue passions they have always wanted to explore but never had the time.
  • "Focus on your health."
    Health issues become more pressing as we age, so it pays to adopt a healthier lifestyle the older we get. That typically includes a healthy diet, exercise, weight maintenance, good sleep habits, no smoking and limited alcohol. It's proven that healthy lifestyles can add significant disease-free years to life.
  • "Make decisions about where and how you want to live."
    According to Pacific Life, "Making more time for family and recreation now can help you make an informed decision about where to spend your future. You’ll have a better idea whether to stay put or make a move for family proximity, financial or healthcare considerations, or lifestyle amenities."

The above is sound advice -- and it just may keep you from falling off that balance beam.

Image: Pixabay.com

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