Take advantage of this special year-end sale on books written especially for Boomers.
From December 18, 2020 through January 1, 2021, GuideWords Publishing is offering readers of Happily Rewired three great eBooks at half price!
Just go to any of the links for the books below to learn more about them. When you place your order, simply enter the code SEY50 at check out. You'll get the eBook in your choice of format (PDF, EPPUB or Kindle) at 50 percent off the regular price. Be sure to take advantage of this special offer by January 1, 2021.
Boomer Brands
Regularly $4.99, sale price $2.49
Boomer Brand Winners & Losers
Regularly $4.99, sale price $2.49
Let's Make Money, Honey:
The Couple's Guide to Starting a Service Business
Regularly $6.99, sale price $3.49