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The Three "Re's"

Musings Screen Shot 2020-05-20 at 1.49.46 PMI've been considering the breakneck speed at which things have changed. The fact is, we may never see what we thought of as "normal" again. At the risk of preaching to a Boomer choir, here's one way to plan for getting our lives back. I call it the three "re's."


Most of the states in our country are starting to re-open, so now is the time to consider how you will re-enter society. This is a very personal decision. Older Boomers and those with underlying conditions will likely be more conservative when thinking about getting back to everyday life outside the home. Should you go to the supermarket? Should you go to a dentist or doctor appointment? Should you go back into a work environment? You may be in a position to re-enter gradually and, over time, increase your external exposure. Every decision will take into account your health and the health of those living with you. You'll obviously consider the risks and rewards of what you do. For example, you may feel comfortable taking a short road trip, but you probably won't feel comfortable getting on an airplane for a long time.


As you plan your re-entry, you may also want to re-evaluate your whole situation. You need to consider all aspects of life -- health, job, volunteering, recreation, home, retirement, financial condition and so on -- in the context of a new normal. What short- and long-term consequences will the pandemic have on the way you live your life? What are the implications of the economic impact? What changes will you find it necessary to make? How has the pandemic affected how you think about your future plans?


Your re-evaluation may result in an unanticipated, unpleasant fact: You will be forced to re-trench. You may have to make new decisions about working, retiring, investing or just getting on with your life. You may have to modify some of your life goals or re-set your expectations. Some things may have to change just for a while and other things may change permanently. You'll probably have to find new ways to cope with a different reality.

The three "re's" is just one approach to facing adversity and rebuilding our lives. Those of us who see life's challenges as opportunities instead of problems will be in the best position to succeed. is a Top 75 Baby Boomer Blog.


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Fredrick Manning

As always, your blog postings are interesting, thought provoking and informative.

The value of addressing our concerns are especially important during a time when some Boomers and aging people are being viewed with a wary eye smacking of ageism, and in some cases, experiencing feelings of alienation when out of their homes in the mistaken belief that because of our increased vulnerability to coronavirus we are the vectors infecting others.

Frankly, I find this especially ironic, because younger asymptomatic people who ignore social distancing and wearing protective masks are more likely to spread the disease.

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