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Making Sense of the Retirement Transition

Musings Wood-3041024_1920More and more experts advise those closing in on retirement to view it as a transitional time. An article appearing on suggests that retirees should plan on a longer transition time than they expect:

"It could take months or it could take a few years for you to finally feel comfortable in your new skin. It’s completely natural and understandable for this transition to take a long time. After all, you were involved in the world of work for decades and those habits won’t melt away instantly. ... Instead of commuting to an office, commute to your workbench or to a class at the local community college. Embrace the change while diving into what makes you unique."

The article also encourages retirees to "take a moment to breathe":

"...take a week or two to relax before you jump into your new routines. By taking a mini-vacation first, you’ll be better prepared to approach your new life with a clear mind that’s well-rested and ready for the challenge. The way a honeymoon marks the transition from single life into marriage, this pre-retirement breather period marks another (equally) important transition in your life."

A key point in the article is the need to "build a strong mental foundation for change." This includes building a strong identity, a strong social network and a strong mission. "Mission" may not be a word you associate with retirement, but here's some excellent advice:

"One of the biggest fears people have about retirement is that they’ll lose the feeling of being useful. Figure out your mission, whether it’s helping look after grandkids or mentoring local teens on their career paths. Some find that learning a new language or hitting their list of must-see travel destinations around the world make wonderful missions, too!"

You have the ability to reinvent yourself as you enter life's second stage, but you don't have to rush into it. That may be hard, because our society is so focused on instant gratification. Still, if you take time to assess who you are and what you need to be happy, the transition should be a lot easier.


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