The Looming Retirement Crisis
Is "Early Retirement" a Myth?

Why Variety is the Spice of Retirement

OnaWhimOne of the reasons I call this blog "Happily Rewired" instead of "Happily Retired" is because of my firm belief that, for many Boomers, retirement is a time of "rewirement." You see it in Boomers who leave their careers to do something entirely different. For some, it means remaining employed, but making a career shift into a brand new line of work. For others, rewirement involves starting a business of their own. Still others leave the traditional work world behind in favor of volunteering. And then there are those adventurous types who sell their homes, buy an RV, and roam around the country.

What do you really want to do for the rest of your life? The answer to that question may have strings attached. You may, for example, need to continue to earn an income for several years to come. But more and more Boomers who are at least moderately financially secure are rewiring instead of retiring. They're doing that by stretching their personal boundaries, trying new things, and perhaps by living a life of variety. The rewired Boomer may pursue a patchwork of opportunities that combines part-time work (earned income), volunteering (psychic reward), educational courses (enrichment), and leisure activities (personal enjoyment). At the same time, the rewired Boomer is ever more conscious of diet, exercise, and living a healthy life.

Writing for The Balance, Dana Anspach details seven things Boomers could potentially do in retirement:

  1. Learn something new
  2. Volunteer
  3. Teach
  4. Connect with family
  5. Travel
  6. Work, but on your terms
  7. Rekindle an old hobby

Check out the article for more about each.

It's easy to see how the rewired Boomer could combine several of the things on this list to stay active, engaged and live a full life.

Variety is said to be the spice of life. Is variety also the spice of retirement? Maybe you should find out for yourself.

Have you heard about the new book, Boomer Brands?


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