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Higher Education at an Older Age

OnaWhimA common characteristic of Boomers is their desire to learn for enjoyment. Education seems to become all the more precious as we age; the popularity of adult education courses through such organizations as OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) is evidence of that fact.

Sometimes, though, higher education at an older age serves another more practical purpose: To learn new subjects and skills that are directly applicable to employment. There are obvious challenges in returning to college, but it is a route that is becoming far more common than you might think. The payback is in potentially making yourself a more attractive job candidate.

If you are considering going back to school for job-related purposes, you might want to check out this article:  "The Time is Now: Going Back to School at 50." Posted by Maryville College, which has helped pioneer online college courses, the article discusses reasons you might want to return to college, factors to take into consideration, and degrees and career paths that might be available to you. The article links to a "going back to school checklist" and also points to numerous additional resources. Check it out.


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Tina Steven

Thanks for sharing this interesting and important information about the postgraduate degree at Tamu. Lately, I was surfing the web looking for degree courses and I found it here https://typicalstudent.org. You can put query related to exams and education.

Brandon Steven

Great to heard about Higher Education at an Older Age. For education there is no age barrier which is great. This post is very interesting to read and i would like to share with my elder ones.

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