A Boomer's Sense of Purpose
Number One No More

"Unvarnished Truths" About Retirement

MusingsSome Boomers approach retirement with apprehension, while others are chomping at the bit to start a new life. Jonathan Look decided to retire early -- at age 50 -- and follow his muse. Six years later, he shares some of the things he learned along the way, and they're not all pretty. Still, if you're close to retirement, or already retired, Look's 21 "unvarnished truths" are worth reading and considering. They include such eye-openers as:

  • Money is overrated.
  • Time is your most valuable asset.
  • Your bucket list is crap.
  • You can't make people happy.
  • Negativity wastes life.

Sounds to me like Look is quite the philosopher. Take a look at his entire list of unvarnished truths about retirement on NextAvenue.org. You may not agree with everything he has to say, but he certainly isn't afraid to be thought-provoking. And if you aren't a subscriber to NextAvenue.org, I suggest you sign up for the free newsletter. It is one of the more valuable information sources for Boomers in pre-retirement and retirement.


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