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What is a "Happy" Retirement?

MusingsWhen it comes to a "happy" retirement, not everyone will have the same perspective. One reason may be the simple fact that not everyone even agrees on what retirement is, or should be.

That's why I'm glad there are at least some retirement experts who are trying to figure out what it takes for most people to feel they have a happy retirement. Richard Eisenberg, the Money & Work Editor for the website SecondAvenue.org, shares his views in an excellent blog post entitled, "9 Keys to a Happy Retirement." I have excerpted a few highlights below.

The first key is essential: "Figure out in advance what you want out of retirement," and it goes hand in hand with the second, which is to "talk frankly together" with your spouse or partner about what you both want out of retirement. Advance planning can help you set realistic expectations and achievable goals and avoid disappointment down the road.

Eisenberg includes some keys that, not surprisingly, have to do with money and health. Here's one you may not have considered, though: "Keep a schedule, but not like the one you had before you retired." The point here is to organize your time in a way you see fit, because, writes Eisenberg, "Having some kind of schedule prevents you from getting bored, depressed or lonely.

The article is well worth reading in its entirety... and as a bonus, at the end Eisenberg includes links to other articles, as well as eight recommended books, about happy retirement. 


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