Creative Ways to Make Money on Your Own
Is a "Micro-Enterprise" Right for You?

More Gigs to Start in Retirement

OnYourOwnI've written about the gig economy before -- but it continues to make news as a new economic factor in our society. While gigs, or short-term freelance assignments, are appropriate for any age group, they seem to be tailor-made for Boomers who are looking for creative ways to generate income without the commitment of a full-time or even a regular part-time job.

As an example of what kinds of gigs are available for Boomers, Katie Little, writing for the CNBC website, offers "25 Side Gigs You Can Start in Retirement." Here you'll find some great ideas, everything from consultant and interim executive to Uber driver, Peace Corps volunteer, virtual assistant, and tutor.

Check out this helpful article. There are all kinds of opportunities for Boomers who are willing to think differently about employment. Start gigging!


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