July Half Price Sale on eBook Edition of Let's Make Money, Honey
More Gigs to Start in Retirement

Creative Ways to Make Money on Your Own

MusingsA recent post on the Retired Brains website (highly recommended for Boomers) caught my eye. Entitled "5 New Ways to Own Your Own Business," the post listed some creative ways to make money on your own, primarily through the new "sharing economy." Among the ideas were becoming a driver for Uber or Lyft, renting your home through Airbnb or HomeAway, and becoming a pet sitter through Dogvacay.

What struck me is that non-traditional work opportunities like these never even existed a few years ago. Now, through a combination of our online-enabled world and the concept of taking on "gigs," options are opening up to Boomers to replace the the more typical part-time work with a former employer or in retail, fast food, or hospitality. Gigs can provide a means to generate income to supplement Social Security and retirement savings while also giving a Boomer the chance to enjoy greater flexibility and be self-employed. Boomers who have been pursuing professions or careers on a full-time basis for most of their adult lives may find this novel type of work to be different and maybe even invigorating.

So when you consider what to do next and you still want to make some money, you might find an opportunity among the many services that use independent contractors as part of the sharing economy.

By the way, have you considered another creative way to make money: starting a business with your spouse? My wife and I started a service business together and generated pre-retirement income for seven years. Then we sold the business. Learn how you can do this too in our book, Let's Make Money, Honey: The Couple's Guide to Starting a Service Business. For the month of July only, the eBook version is available from Smashwords.com for half price -- just $3.50! To get your copy in any eBook format, including PDF, visit: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/568837. When you check out, enter the code SSW50 to get the eBook for just $3.50. This special offer is only good at Smashwords.com through July, so order today!


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