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"Consulteering" Offers a New Way to Look at "Rewirement"

MusingsI often opt for the word "rewirement" rather than "retirement" in describing a Boomer's next life phase. Now, along comes a novel term to describe what some members of the 50-plus crowd have adopted as a lifestyle: "consulteering."

Sixty-eight year old Dane Peters deserves credit for the term, at least for its first reported use in The New York Times. Formerly the head of a Montessori school, Peters tells Kerry Hannon that his new way of keeping busy is his "trifecta. Paid work, giving back and relaxation. I call it 'consulteering.' "

In Peters' case, the consulting part of the equation involves supporting independent schools "with my expertise in leadership and governance." It is easy to see how someone with his background could obtain consulting assignments, but what about other Boomers with completely different professional experience? Retirement transition coach Dorian Mintzer tells Hannon she believes consulteering is possible for others. She says her clients are “intentional in figuring out what’s next — realizing they benefit from some work structure and want to build social connection, mental engagement and meaning into their life.” Consulteering, says Mintzer, is "a great way to fit work into life rather than trying to squeeze time for life into your work schedule."

It turns out I have been "consulteering" in my post-career, even though I hadn't thought of it that way. I have used my marketing experience to take on select consulting assignments and my writing experience to do freelance writing projects. Meanwhile, I also volunteer and take time for myself.

Maybe you should consider "consulteering" as a new way to look at "rewirement."


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