"The Retirement Rescue Plan" is the Real Thing
Resources for Boomers Looking for Work

Working After 65 Continues to Catch the Eye of the Media

MusingsA more frequent story in the media these days is about people age 65 and older who are in the workforce. A recent example is an article on Bloomberg.com that begins this way: "Almost 20 percent of Americans 65 and older are now working, according to the latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s the most older people with a job since the early 1960s, before the U.S. enacted Medicare."

In the story, Ben Steverman cites five reasons for people putting off retirement:

  1. "They need the money"
  2. "They like their jobs"
  3. "Employers want (some) older workers to stick around"
  4. "Older Americans are healthier and living longer"
  5. "Or maybe retirement just isn't as much fun"

Steverman quotes an economist who says it "has become increasingly normal to be over 65 and working." I noticed just the other day how many seniors seem to be working at such retailers as Lowe's and The Home Depot. As a frequent visitor to the Biltmore in my home town of Asheville, I see many seniors there greeting guests, driving vans, taking tickets, leading tours, and serving in restaurants. Still, a big challenge for silver-hairs (of which I am one) is finding employment that is stimulating, rewarding, and allows the flexibility most older workers want.



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