What's Your Role in the "Gig Economy"?
Have you heard of the "gig economy"? As a Boomer, you should know about it, because it might present a significant opportunity that's perfectly targeted to your life stage.
According to a new report on global human capital trends from Deloitte, "contingent freelance workers" are increasingly used by businesses to create new, more streamlined workforces and take advantage of expertise and skills that can be acquired on a part-time basis. In a survey of executives by Deloitte, 42 percent said they "expect to increase or significantly increase the use of contingent workers in the next three to five years." That's why Deloitte predicts the rise of the "gig economy" -- "networks of people who make a living working without any formal employment agreement."
I'm part of the gig economy. I derive most of my part-time income from freelance writing assignments and marketing consulting projects. I prefer it that way: Being a gig worker offers me unmatched flexibility and independence so I can balance part-time work with volunteering and other interests.
Nancy Collamer, writing for Next Avenue, offers a number of suggestions for Boomers who want to take advantage of the gig economy, among them, monitoring freelance job boards and increasing in-person networking activities. Collamer's article is well worth reading if freelancing is something you might want to pursue.
Hi Barry:
Thanks for your kind words - and for sharing my post on the gig economy!
Posted by: Career Coach, Nancy Collamer | 04/07/2016 at 05:52 AM