C'mon Brands, Recognize Us!
I've commented before about the fact that brands often neglect Boomers, even though we are the generation that has accumulated the most wealth in the U.S. Here is some hard data to support that contention.
Sonar, the proprietary research unit of J. Walter Thompson, a leading global ad agency, conducted a study of the 50+ market in December 2015. The results, according to the agency, "challenge deep-rooted age-based assumptions and signal a pro-aging shift... but they also signal that brands still have not done enough to prepare."
Some of the views shared by 50+ consumers in the study are fascinating. See if they mesh with your own:
- They are adopting "more relaxed attitudes towards aging"
- 94% say “I accept my age” and 87% embrace growing older
- 75% browse and shop online at least monthly
- An almost equal percentage say they prefer to shop in-store (23%) vs. online (24%)
- 88% think many products and services could be better designed for the needs of older people
- More than three-quarters (78%) say they don’t feel the need to reverse the time with “anti-aging products.”
There may be a lot brands don't know (or don't want to know) about today's 50+ consumer. Brands that understand how to reach and engage this key demographic group will be better off for it.