Boomers Looking to Give Time and Money in Retirement
An Online Voice for Boomer Women

The Boomer as Caregiver

BooksIt's an increasingly common scenario: Even as Boomers themselves age, they are put in the position of having to care for their aging parents. I witnessed this personally in caring for my elderly mother, and now my wife is doing the same for her 92-year old mother. For many Boomers and their parents, the preferable way to age is not only to maintain independence, but ideally, for elderly parents to remain in their homes if at all possible.

Carolyn A. Brent, author of the book,Why Wait? The Baby Boomers' Guide to Preparing Emotionally, Financially & Legally for a Parents' Death,”  offers these ten signals that your aging parent might no longer be able to live alone:

  1. Mom or Dad has always been a great housekeeper, but the house just doesn't look like it used to.
  2. The bills and other mail are piling up.
  3. The checking account balance is wrong and bills are going unpaid.
  4. Your parent is losing a lot of weight.
  5. They have forgotten the basics of hygiene.
  6. They appear in inappropriate clothing.
  7. There are signs of forgetfulness in the home.
  8. Your parent regularly misses appointments and other important items.
  9. They are just acting plain weird.
  10. They exhibit signs of depression.

In addition to her book, Brent has started a non-profit organization called CareGiver Story that provides a wealth of free resources for adult caregivers. Learn more about it here:

You can order Carolyn Brent's useful book directly from Amazon below.


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