An Online Voice for Boomer Women
Where Older Workers Get Squeezed in the Job Market

Insight into Post Retirement Careers

OntheClock"Retirement" is a word that may have to be retired. The notion of "retirement" is so different from just a generation ago. Americans are living longer, but a significant number are looking forward to woefully underfunded later years. Some Boomers are still recovering from the 2008 financial debacle. Most don't think Social Security will be adequate. As a result, it's almost a given that many Boomers will be working at least part-time instead of fully retiring.

A 2015 AARP study of "post retirement careers" sheds some light on the situation. According to the study, almost half of respondents (45 percent) see "retirement age" as between 65 and 69. More than a third of them (37 percent) expect to work for pay after retiring from their current career.

For those who expect to work post retirement, close to half (44 percent) will do so in a new field, while 23 percent say they will stay in the same field; 33 percent are undecided. Most respondents (73 percent) will seek part-time employment -- only 25 percent of males and 21 percent of females expect to be fully retired. As for having a boss or being the boss, 57 percent of respondents anticipate working for someone else instead of being a contractor or starting their own business.

Boomers are notorious for redefining just about everything -- and retirement is no different. To review the complete AARP Post Retirement Career Study, click on the link below.

Download AARP Career Study 


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