The Boomer as Caregiver
Insight into Post Retirement Careers

An Online Voice for Boomer Women

MusingsBoomer women are a significant force in America. In consumer marketing, it is a well-known principle that women are largely responsible for household buying decisions. Various research studies point to the fact that women over age 50, who make up more than half of America's Baby Boomer population, control almost 75 percent of the wealth in America. Women over 50 are also the fastest growing demographic when it comes to being active online.

Screen Shot 2015-12-08 at 12.05.28 PMIt turns out Boomer women have an online voice --, the National Association of Baby Boomer Women. The association's website is a treasure trove of information, featuring experts who write insightful articles on topics including arts and entertainment, caregiving, family and relationships, giving back, going green, health and fitness, and work and money. The association also offers members the opportunity to listen by phone to monthly seminars presented by experts.

"Boomer-in-Chief" Anne Holmes recently launched a new section, "Boomer Life Reboots," on the NABBW website, and I'm proud to say that I authored the first article in the section. "Coupled in Work: Will Owning a Business with Your Spouse Hurt Your Personal Relationship?" is a candid exploration of the ups and downs of working together as a couple. You can read it here.


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