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A New Kind of Work

OnYourOwnAging boomers could benefit from a trend that is shaping the future of the American economy.

A "thought brief" published by the Roosevelt Institute as part of a project called "The Next American Economy" suggests that, over the next fifteen years, "Three forms of employment will become more and more important: part-time assignments, portfolio careers, and entrepreneurialism."

According to Bowman Cutter, Director of the Next American Economy Project and a Senior Fellow at the Roosevelt Institute, "For many, 'work' will increasingly consist of disparate short-term assignments facilitated through a mobile platform. Others, in order to maximize their talent and earnings, will carry a 'portfolio' consisting of a number of these short-term assignments." In addition, writes Cutter, freelance workers will become very common "as the practice of contracting becomes more prevalent..."

Not only that, but "more and more workers will become full-time employees of their own firms, consisting of as few as a handful of employees. As is the case today, the vast majority of job growth in 2040 will come from the growth of small business."

Notice, then, that the American economy may be re-shaped in a way that could be very accommodating to boomers who want to work part-time or on a freelance basis, as well as to those who might consider starting their own small businesses. This new economic environment could make seeking a traditional job a thing of the past, offering boomers new and innovative ways to continue to earn income into their later years.

Read the entire thought brief below.

Download Thought Brief



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