From the White House Conference on Aging
The day-long White House Conference on Aging, held on July 13, is, sadly, only a once-per-decade event. However, the timing of this year's event was particularly appropriate, given that it is also the 50th anniversary of Medicare, Medicaid, and the Older Americans Act, as well as the 80th anniversary of Social Security.
At this year's conference, several key actions were announced, among them:
- Clarification by the U.S. Dept. of Labor, expected by the end of this year, regarding how states can move forward with efforts to provide workplace-based retirement saving opportunities. This is important because Congress has not taken action on the issue at the Federal level.
- A new website,, has been launched to provide older Americans, their families, friends, and other caregivers, a one-stop resource for government-wide information on helping older adults live independent and fulfilling lives. The site links to a broad spectrum of Federal information, including how to find local services and resources in your community for everything from healthy aging to elder justice to long-term care, as well as how to find key information on vital programs such as Social Security and Medicare.
- Several Federal rules affecting long-term care, healthy aging, and elder justice are being modernized. These include updating the safety and quality requirements for nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities, new rules to assist elder victims of abuse, financial exploitation, fraud, and neglect, and numerous others.
A detailed guide to all of the announced actions can be found here: