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"The Art of Retirement" Helps Paint a Pleasing Picture of Your Later Years

BooksThere are numerous books on financial planning for retirement, but none sets the artistic tone of "The Art of Retirement" by Gary Williams. In his book, Williams, a Certified Financial Planner, addresses the importance of leaving a legacy, not just financially but spiritually.

In reviewing this fine book for ForeWord Reviews magazine, I wrote:

"The key difference between Gary Williams’ engaging book about retirement and so many others written on the subject is the author’s perspective: He believes that to enjoy retirement, everyone must create a life that is a 'masterpiece.' ...Williams has done a masterful job of presenting an elegantly constructed, comprehensive, unbiased view of what readers need to think about, personally and financially, as they head toward retirement."

Gary Williams' book is well worth reading for anyone on the cusp of retirement. You can buy it directly from Amazon below.



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