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Working in Your Later Years: The Reality Gap

OntheClockI've written previously about the disconnect between older workers who want to keep working and a job market that isn't always receptive to keeping older workers employed. Some recent data supports the fact that being employed in your later years can be quite a challenge, but the news isn't all negative.

A study published in May by the Center for a Secure Retirement, sponsored by Bankers Life, indicates that, of retired boomers who are not currently employed, almost half (48 percent) would like to work but are unable to work, most often because of health reasons. Half (49 percent) of employed middle-income boomer retirees expect to work beyond age 70 or as long as their health will allow. Nearly three-quarters (72 percent) of employed retirees say that their per hour compensation is less than it was before retirement. Nearly nine out of ten (88 percent) employed boomers have work arrangements other than full time.

Still, working after retirement is viewed in generally positive terms. More than three-quarters (78 percent) of employed retirees claim they are as satisfied or more satisfied with their job compared to pre-retirement work. Employed retirees generally report lower stress levels and better relationships than their nonworking counterparts. Six in ten (59 percent) employed retirees say the primary reasons they work are non-financial. For some -- 42 percent -- working after retirement means self-employment or small business ownership. You can download the complete report at the link below.

Download Work-in-retirement-report-may-2015



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