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"Creative Aging": An Inspirational Guidebook

BooksCreative Aging by Cheryl Vassiliadis and Joanna Romer is a dual-purpose guidebook: It is designed to both share the stories of boomers who have creatively aged as well as share helpful advice about aging. In reviewing the book for ForeWord Reviews magazine, I wrote: 

"Creative Aging covers a lot of ground. The authors discuss common issues related to aging, including health, spirituality, emotions, lifestyle choices, and facing death, but they do so with an emphasis on positive thinking and creative empowerment. ...Creative Aging is at its best when the authors explore creativity in its broadest sense. They talk about the fact that boomers take both creative and spiritual risks when they follow their dreams to do something different in retirement. Whether it is pursuing dance, learning a craft, sailing somewhere, taking a volunteer vacation, or starting a small business, boomers can age creatively."

This is a book that celebrates the second half of our lives, offering plenty of opportunities for rewiring. I highly recommend it. (You can order this book directly from Amazon below.)


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